India State of Forest Report (ISFR)2023, Report
The release of the India State of Forest Report (ISFR), which provides a detailed account of the country’s forest cover, has been delayed for over a year. This delay has led to speculation, particularly among forestry officials. The ISFR is published by the Forest Survey of India (FSI), an organization under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC). Since its first edition in 1991, the ISFR has been an important publication, coming out every two years. What is the ISFR? The ISFR gives a clear picture of the state of forests in India. It has been published every two years since 1991, making it a key source of data for government officials, environmentalists, and researchers. This report helps shape policies and understand India’s forests’ health. Why is the ISFR 2023 Delayed? This is only the second time the report’s release has been delayed, with the first delay happening in 2007. Some forestry officials believe the delay could be due to a significant decli...